Along the border of South-west Uganda, Rwanda, and The Democratic Republic of Congo, the home and habitat of the majestic Mountain Gorillas, our specialty Arabica coffee grows up in the Virunga Ranges
Protecting Mountain Gorillas, Supporting Family-owned Farms by paying Beyond Direct Trade Prices, Growing the Best Organic Coffee, and delivering Direct to You

Welcome to the Gorilla's Kingdom and the home of Gorilla Highlands Coffee


Virunga region encompasses a great diversity of habitats, from steppes, savannas, lava plains, swamps, lowlands, and mountain forests. Sweet and vibrant coffees from this region thrive in the rich volcanic soils of the mountain gorillas' homeland. With an altitude starting at 1900m (6200 - 7200 feet), Virunga Ranges coffee makes particularly excellent espresso. They also overlook some of Uganda's highest grown coffees in a climate offering cool conditions with plenty of sun and rain on rich volcanic soils. The conditions allow the coffee to ripen slowly assuring enrichened cherries.


The Rainforest Coffee is grown around the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park that lies in SouthWestern Uganda on the edge of the Rift Valley. Its mist-covered hillsides are blanketed by one of Uganda's oldest and most biologically diverse rainforests famous for hosting over 500 mountain gorillas. Farmers from Bwindi region are dedicated to the production of intense, bold cherries that slowly mature at altitudes above 1,900 meters (6,230 feet) thanks to the abundant sun and the rich volcanic soils.


Lake Bunyonyi is located in the District of Kabale covering an area of 61 square km (23 sq miles) at an altitude of 1,950 m (6,437 ft). It is framed by lush and green-terraced hills intensely cultivated that reach a height of 2,200-2,478 m (7,218 to 8,130 ft). Bunyoni is the second lake in Africa and the 29 islands of various shapes and sizes scattered across the water make Bunyonyi a magical place. The coffee grown here is mainly coming from the islands of this lake and in all sub countries of Kabale and Rubanda Districts.

Gorilla Highlands Coffee cultivates almost exclusively Arabica beans which are predominant in Eastern Africa. Arabica grows in areas between 1500 and 2,500 meters of altitude with appropriate conditions of temperature and humidity that only countries in the Equator belt present. All this makes Arabica coffee of exquisite texture and flavour. Definitely, a great combination of aroma, fragrance, and aftertaste that results in one of the most valued coffee bouquets.

​We also offer a unique Highlands robusta coffee species which is endemic to the Kigezi region, a gift from the Gorilla Highlands Kingdom that is majestic, smooth and bold, just like the silverback’s that inhabit the region. With a limited season, this coffee will be available as micro-lots from the months of January – April.

Our coffee is usually grown in mixed farms with food crops for home consumption like beans, maize, and bananas that allows our farmers to sustain their local food security while obtaining extra income from coffee cultivation. It is mainly grown under shade trees that ensure sustainable coffee production.

Drink to Conserve, Discover the taste of Ugandan Coffee, and come visit us to Find Your Heart in Uganda with Our Farmers and our Mountain Gorillas.

Where to buy

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+256 786 224527 (Between 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM Ugandan time)

We may refer you to our regional distributor depending on your order size. Please, indicate the type and number of coffee packages desired and the address where you want it delivered. We will respond accordingly.