Our Friends & Advisors


Kaia Delaney

Kaia graduated from UQ with a degree in International Business and Mandarin. She worked for Accenture and aims to bring technology like Blockchain into the supply chain for GHC for creating a social enterprise.

She is assisting the team in Uganda with their social media, marketing & communications strategy. She will lead the Australian Coffee Distribution Partnership.

Robert Stephenson FRSA

Founder - CEO GlasTeo Ltd

Mission: To work well, hard and with the best integrity, intentions,and volition to help reduce climate change emissions and to help develop sustainable rural, farming and community development projects around Hemp. Leads the UK Coffee Distribution Partnership.

Susanna Ndikuwera

Women in Coffee

Susanna is leading our Women In Coffee initiatives for GHC. With a background in Quantitative Economics.and the financial services industry, her experience is being utilized in working on fundraising and design of women-friendly projects.

Mr. Smith

Our benefactor chooses to remain anonymous.

He found his heart in Uganda and now wants to share the beauty of the land, the creatures, the coffee, and most importantly, the people, with you and your friends to come and enjoy.

Mahealani Delaney

Mahealani graduated from UQ Brisbane Australia in International Business and is working in Sustainable Policy in the Queensland Government. She is helping the GHC team with business plans and social media. She will also be involved in the Australian Coffee Distribution Partnership.

We always welcome people that are genuinely wanting to help us, in agriculture best practices, in business mentoring, and in grant writing.
Send us an email at: info@shatsicoffee.com